Pastor Mickey Muse
and Kim Muse
  Our Pastor

Pastor Info

Pastor Muse and Kim have been married 44 years and have three married children, eight grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Pastor Muse was called to preach and ordained at Calvary Baptist Church in Lakeland Florida. He started preaching at the age of 19 and has been preaching for over 42 years. Brother Muse has been pastoring and helping struggling churches for over 35 years and in the last eight years he has served as a missionary to America through Strengthening Church Ministries.

He has an earned Doctor of Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary and received training as a Trained Transitional Pastor from Transitional Training School. He has a burden for churches and pastors to recover and move forward in their work and calling from God. Brother Muse also has a counseling and writing ministry to help pastors and churches to do their best in the service of our Lord. He also has a pastor’s heart to serve the people of Vision Baptist Church and to reach those in the Crestview area for Christ.

We are excited about what God has for us, as we seek God’s best for Vision Baptist Church in Crestview Florida. It is our prayer and desire that if you are not in the family of God through His Son Jesus Christ, that we may share Him with you through one of our services or a personal contact. If you have any questions about our church or making sure heaven is your eternal home, please email or call us from our contact page.