Our History

Vision Baptist Church is a new church plant in Crestview Florida in 2019 sent out of Westwood Baptist Church in Fort Walton Beach Fl. The Lord has placed on the heart of Bro. Mickey and Sister Kim Muse along with Pastor Greg Hill and the members of Westwood to start this new church. Along with a good core of believers already meeting in Crestview Fl. with others from the surrounding area we believe God is going to do great things for His glory.

There are so many different churches to choose from that people can become confused or not know where they should go to worship. Therefore we want to share with those who might consider coming to worship with us a little information that describes who we are. We are an Independent, Separated, Fundamental, Premillenial, Baptist Church that stands for Biblical precepts (God’s Word) and principles with a loving heart attitude! What is an independent, Baptist Church?

An independent Baptist church is exactly what it says. It is a church that is free to think on its own about doctrine and methods of church ministry. We here at Vision Baptist Church are independently free to support missionaries of our choosing, free to choose curriculum for Bible Study, and programs for our church family. We are also a Fundamental Baptist church. This means we hold to the fundamentals of the faith. The virgin birth, perfect life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, the Son of God. We hold to the Word of God as a Book without error. We believe here at Vision Baptist Church, that the King James Version is the word of God; therefore, we use only the KJV in our preaching, teaching, and study. We hold to the belief that music is very important in worship. We enjoy music that lifts the soul and creates life in the service and we choose to be conservative in our worship songs and hymns, tracks, and programs. We hold true to the Baptist faith and preach it without apology. We are not Calvinistic, nor do we agree with the so-called “Baptist-Brider” doctrine. We are pre-millennial in our teaching and we believe that salvation is for everyone! If you would like more information on “what is an independent Baptist church”, please contact us.

We desire to be a church with a love for Jesus Christ that is shown through our hearts as well as our preaching and teaching.